It is not possible to speak of the validity and resistance of Correismo Country Email List without its action. This force ( without legal status) worked under conditions of constant persecution and prohibition, since his various attempts Country Email List to form political movements were blocked with unsound arguments from the National Country Email List Electoral Council (CNE). In this framework, the bloc of legislators of the Citizen Revolution exercised opposition practically alone until the last semester of 2019.
The Pachakuitk movement occupied, instead, a different place in the Country Email List opposition to Moreno. Thanks to the dynamics of dialogue convened by the government and the coincidence in anticorreismo, both Conaie and Pachakutik initially remained close to the government. In fact, one of the inaugural and highly symbolic scenes of the break between Correa and Moreno occurred when the president announced in a public act that he was Country Email List restoring the land loan for the Conaie headquarters, which Correa had suspended in 2015 , this time for 100 years. Correa described the announcement as a snub and an act of disloyalty by Moreno, who started a chapter of dialogue Country Email List with the Ecuadorian indigenous movement. Members of this movement would occupy a ministerial position such as the Water Secretariat and a council in an institution with a very high incidence such as the Council for Citizen Participation and Social.
Control (CPCCS), a body that appoints the main control authorities. Country Email List The gestation of the rupture between Pachakutik Country Email List and the Moreno government would arrive in mid-2019 with the national mobilization that had its definitive fuel in decree 883, which eliminated the fuel subsidy. This mobilization, which was massive and diverse, was fiercely repressed by the government, with a balance of 11 dead, 1,340 injured and 1,230 detained Country Email List (75% of them released for not meeting the legal requirements to be imprisoned). Added to the various reports that exhibited violence and arbitrariness were those from the indigenous movement, the Citizen.